Neufert 4.0 July 23 Progress Report

Neufert 4.0
machine learning

Milan Valášek


17 Jul 2023


We are attempting to build a deep neural network that would be able to predict likely characteristics of an apartment based solely on data derived from the geometry of its outline as well as basic variables related to the view from the apartment (e.g. whether or not a highway or railway is visible).


We made use of the Neufert 4.0 data based on the Swiss dwellings dataset. We reviewed the original data, removing duplicates, cleaning the data of errors, and adding apartment and floor outline geometries. The resulting dataset contained 14,607 entries (one per apartment). Based on the data, we calculated 178 features that encoded geometrical and view properties of the individual apartments. These features were used as input variables for the neural network models.

As output variables, we chose a number of continuous and categorical variables:

Table 1: Summary table of continuous outcome variables.
Variable Min Q1 Median Mean Q3 Max Missing
Corridor area ratio 0.00 0.08 0.11 0.11 0.14 0.37 0
Largest room sunlight 0.00 0.40 0.65 0.72 0.95 3.93 0
Largest room noise 0.00 33.89 41.90 40.86 49.62 71.71 0
Largest room kitchen distance 0.25 0.25 0.75 1.42 2.00 142.25 33
Kitchen sunlight 0.00 0.80 1.62 1.81 2.56 9.55 0
Table 2: Summary table of binary outcome variables.
Variable No Yes
Has loggia 9704 4903
Bathroom has window 3630 10977

Figure 1: Distribution of the `number_of_rooms variable.

The dataset was split into a training set (N = 8,744), development set (N = 2,915), and test set (N = 2,915). The development set was used for model evaluation during the hyperparameter tuning stage of the model development.

General neural network architecture

The chosen neural network consisted of blocs of fully connected layers with L2 regularisation, followed by a dropout layer. For every but the first bloc, we also included a skip connection from the previous bloc. The number of units per layer, the value of regularisation parameter (\(\lambda\)), the dropout proportion, as well as the number of blocs in the network were treated as variable hyperparameters. Finally, a single-unit layer for each of the eight outcome variables was added in parallel to the end of the last bloc.

Best model architecture

Based on the hyperparameter tuning step described above, we settled on a model with the following characteristics:

  • Dropout: 0.3
  • L2 regularisation parameter: 0.0001
  • No. of blocs: 5
  • Number of units: 256

A graphical representation of the model can be found in Figure 2 below.

Figure 2: Schema of the best-performing model

Model performance

Does the apartment have a loggia?

In the table below, sensitivity refers to the ability of a test to detect and existing effect. If you have COVID, and take a PCR test, how likely is it to come back positive? Specificity on the other hand is the test’s ability to accurately reject negative cases. If you do not have COVID, what is the probability that your PCR test comes back negative?

Table 3:

Performance of the model with respect to the has_loggia variable.

Yes No Total
Yes 700 304 1004
Truth No 173 1738 1911
Total 873 2042 2915
Sensitivity: 69.7%
Specificity: 90.9%
Accuracy (not appropriate for imbalanced data): 83.6%

Does the bathroom have a window?

Table 4:

Performance of the model with respect to the bathroom_has_window variable.

Yes No Total
Yes 1996 169 2165
Truth No 342 408 750
Total 2338 577 2915
Sensitivity: 92.2%
Specificity: 54.4%
Accuracy (not appropriate for imbalanced data): 82.5%

Number of rooms

Given the architecture of the network, the model predicted number of rooms as a continuous real number variable. For this reason, we rounded the prediction to whole number. Because the prediction domain was unconstrained, the model could predict a number of rooms smaller than one (this happened on two occasions) or larger than can reasonably be expected (on one occasion, it predicted 13 rooms).

These erroneous predictions aside, the model performance was as shown below:

Figure 3: Confusion matrix of the number of rooms variable.

The model correctly predicted the number of rooms for 75.5% of the cases, with only 21 (0.72%) of predictions falling outside of the truth±1 range.

Continuous variables

The sections below provide a summary of the model performance on continuous variables. The scatter plots show the relationship between the model prediction and the ground truth based on the test set. Included in the plot is a OLS line of best fit along with an 80% prediction interval.

The R2 statistic can be interpreted as the proportion of variance in the outcome variable accounted for by the predictor. The b coefficients are the intercept and slope of the line of best fit and should ideally have the value of 0 and 1, respectively.

The left plot of the pair includes all data except for the outliers listed below. The plot on the right hand side also excludes observations where the true value is zero.

Circulation efficiency

80% prediction interval = ±0.03

n(x=0) = 139

Kitchen-living room distance (m)

80% prediction interval = ±0.93

n(x=0) = 0


Prediction Truth
912 38.82299 0.25
957 35.64644 2.50

Living room sunlight (klx)

80% prediction interval = ±0.27

n(x=0) = 2


Prediction Truth
957 -7.644796 1.055584

Living room noise (dB)

80% prediction interval = ±7.81

n(x=0) = 84


Prediction Truth
957 133.8368 34.70842

Kitchen sunlight (klx)

80% prediction interval = ±0.89

n(x=0) = 53


Prediction Truth
957 19.02683 1.564121